Sethian (The Seed of Seth Gnostic- Christianity) and Valentinian Gnostic-Christianity
I wrote this text considering how I believe the ancient “proto-orthodox or canonical” might have understood or interpreted these Gnostic Gospels and scriptures (as Gnostic-Christian texts). However, beyond that, the interpretations stand on their own. So if a person who accepted the Four Canonical Gospels, Paul’s and Peter’s letters, and so on – these are how I think they interpreted these texts until they were finally ruled heretical. The Church told its members to no longer read them. This very thing happened. Bishop Athanasius informed the church (in Alexandria and the world) after the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE that only the texts we essentially have today (the first person to list the 27 books of the NT canon that we have today) and that the reading of books by the Arians or other texts such as the Gnostic-Christian books like the Secret Revelation of John (which scholars were highly likely to read) along side the Revelation of John in the NT; and other Gospels such as by Thomas, Philip, Mary, and by ‘Valentinus’ or the ‘Gospel of Truth‘ and many other Gnostic texts) were no longer to be read and studied by the monks in the Pachomian monastery (in 325 CE). All these texts (especially the Secret Revelation of John) clearly were found all over Christendom at this time, including Europe or Gaul (France), and condemned in detail by Irenaeus, ‘the heresy hunter’ (Meyer, Marvin W., Robinson, James M. 2007; King, Karen. 2006).
To paraphrase some material
‘Sethian Gnostics (Sethian Gnostic-Christians) were a peripheral group living among proto-orthodox and proto-canonical Christians (and though small in numbers, were an incredibly creative community that generated many of the Sethian-Gnostic Christian books) found in 1945 in the Nag Hammadi Library (and were read, studied and used) until 325 CE until the Athanasium decree was promulgated. They (the Sethians) privately called themselves the ‘Seed of Seth’ or similar (but “Christians” publically). And, (as far as it can be known), remained a small peripheral part of the Christian community until the Council of Chalcedon in 451 CE. Sethians, Valentinians, and other Gnostics (or Gnostic-Christians) like the Basilidians and Thomasines held a limited belief in Reincarnation. So, in the Thomasine community (in Syria), we find in the Book Thomas the Contender,’
“In it, the Saviour tells his disciple Thomas that after death, those who were once believers but have remained attached to things of ‘transitory beauty’ will be consumed ‘in their concern about life’ and ‘will be brought back to the visible realm.’ At the end of the Book of Thomas, Jesus says: ‘Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that you may leave the bitter bondage of this life.’ In other words, pray that you are not reborn on earth but that you return to higher realms (Bean, James 2020).”
Reincarnation (many Gnostic Christians believed) would be the outcome of those who failed to gain Salvation through Gnosis (and such “transmigration” would be needed once or a few times), unlike the vast number of and many reincarnations commonly believed necessary by Hindus or Buddhists (of course with exceptions).
Unlike frank Hinduism or Buddhism, most Gnostics (but not all) believed Reincarnation or Transmigration was another way to become more spiritual (or ‘Pneumatic’) and gain Salvation or Gnosis. To gain Gnosis (was to know ‘experientially’ that the Spirit of God is within). In Christianity and Gnosticism, ‘the Father’ of Yeshua HaMaschiach (and Israel) was ‘God the Father’ and to ‘be met or become one with’ after Salvation.
Most Gnostic groups then (and now) held an Adoptionist belief: that the man Yeshua, upon immersion by John the Baptist, became the ‘Son of God, Moshiach, or the Messiah’ (and the ‘Savior’ for all of humanity). Thus, his mission as Moshiach began at that time and after that event (baptism by John) – not before. “Adoptionism” eventually was ruled a heresy (by the Trinitarian Orthodox). Most Bardaisanites and some Thomasine Gnostics appeared to have many members who did (and did not) believe in Reincarnation or Transmigration, but the Valentinians, Sethians, and most other Gnostics did. Yet ‘Gnosticism’ requires 1. a person must ‘know themselves,’ and 2. attain the ‘experiential knowing that the Spirit of God is within’ (both of which bring Gnosis) and Salvation.
“However, though most denominations within Christianity appear not to have believed individuals reincarnate (or must reincarnate), particular groups within Gnosticism did and still do. These groups included the mainstream historical and contemporary followers of the significant Gnostic groups in the first two centuries of Christianity, possibly some Thomasines (but not all) so:
In “The Book of Thomas: The Contender,”
In it, the Saviour tells his disciple Thomas that after death, those who were once believers but have remained attached to things of ‘transitory beauty’ will be consumed ‘in their concern about life’ and ‘will be brought back to the visible realm.’[1] At the end of the Book of Thomas, Jesus says: ‘Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that you may leave the bitter bondage of this life.’[2] In other words, pray that you are not reborn on earth but that you return to higher realms.”
The Gospel of Thomas (certainly read by the Thomasine and most Gnostics – but may have been written either by the Thomasines or the Manichaeins – so added by either group to the Nag Hammadi Library found in 1945) says in most translations, “… one who came into being before coming into being…” (undoubtedly suggestive of Reincarnation):
19 Jesus says, Blissful is one who ‘consciously remembers being’ before ‘being born, again.’ (Brantingham, James. 2021)
19 Jesus says, “Blessed is one who came into being before coming into being… (Meyer, Marvin W., Robinson, James M.. 2007)
(19) Yeshua said, Blessings on you who came into being before coming into being…(Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer, 2011).
In the Gospel of Philip, there is a similar saying:
The Lord said, “Blessed is he who is before he came into being. For he who is, has been and shall be.” (Isenberg. Wesley W. 1989)
(61.) The Lord said: Blest is he who was before he came into being. (Th 19) For he who is, both was and shall be. Brown, T. Patterson. (2014; probably pub 1995) (
(61) Yeshua says, Blessed are you who recognize where your eternal spirit came from before you were born. For those who perceive this, may know rebirth again. So in the beginning, will it be in the end. (Brantingham, James. 2021)
One Who Is
The master said, “Blessings on one who is before coming into being. For whoever is, was and will be.” (Meyer, Marvin W., Robinson, James M. 2007)
The lord said, “Blessings on you
who were before you came into being.Whoever is, was, and will be.” (Barnstone, William., Meyer, Marvin. 2011)
Reincarnation in Pistis Sophia:
Of the incarnation of John the Baptizer… That John was Elias in a former birth: “And when I knew that ye had not understood that I had discoursed with you concerning the soul of Elias which is bound into John the Baptizer, I answered you in the discourse in openness face to face: ‘If ye like to accept John the Baptizer: he is Elias, of whom I have said that he will come.’” (Bean, James. 2023)
Reincarnation in the Secret Revelation of John (Apocryphon or Secret Book of John):
“When they come forth from the body, such a soul is given over to the powers created by the rulers, bound in chains, and cast into prison again. Around and around it goes until it manages to become free from forgetfulness through knowledge. And so, eventually, it becomes perfect and is saved.’” (Bean, James. 2023)
There is the much disputed saying in the Canonical New Testament: Matthew 11:13-15
13Matt. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John came; 14and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. 15Let anyone with ears listen! (NRSV)
Reincarnation According to Basilides of Alexandria:
“Men suffer from their deeds in former lives.” (Bean, James. 2023).
Mani declared himself to be an “apostle of Jesus Christ.” Some claim that Manichaean tradition believed Mani held that he was the reincarnation of many religious figures such as Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, and Jesus. Buddhist influences were significant in the formation of Mani’s religious thought and his form of Gnostic Christianity. The transmigration of souls became a firm Manichaean belief and the quadripartite or considerable part of the overall structure of the Manichaean community.
So ‘Reincarnation’ was held as one occasionally (not always necessarily repetitive over and over again for many, even countless lives, but once or a few times) in most of Gnosticism (in the first few centuries). Gnosticism in the Middle Ages by the Cathars and Rosicrucians also probably held it as a significant extra ‘method or means’ (possibly seen as being more often used than in the original Gnostic communities) to help their ‘Christians’ attain Gnosis – as it is held today in most modern Gnostic Churches. The historical relations between these sects and their beliefs about reincarnation are characteristic of Platonism, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Manichaenism, and Gnosticism of the Roman era. Christianity’s earliest scholars strongly utilized Platonism (or Platonic thought and philosophy) to understand, formulate, and describe Christian theology. Plato taught indisputably (over and over again) the idea of rebirth… in the Platonic dialogues themselves. In recent decades, because of research (Stevenson, Ian., et al. 1998; 1989; 1990; 1993; 2000; 2000; 2003; 2005; 2006; Tucker JB. 2005; 2016 Tucker, James. 2006; 2014; Matlock, James G. 2019), many Europeans and North Americans have developed a renewed interest in reincarnation, and many contemporary works mention it. (Reincarnation. 2023; Bean, James. 2023; Manichaeism. 2023)
In Wikipedia. Also see ‘Psi’ in Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God.”
Despite these other Gnostic groups (and possibly through the Jewish-Christian input received from his parents while growing up as an ‘Elchasaite’), Mani, who believed he was the ‘Paraclete’ that is, the actual ‘Holy Spirit‘ broke from the Elchasites and founded ‘Manichaeism.’ Manachaeism was Christianity that included Gnostic beliefs and belief in Reincarnation and Meditation. Mani accepted Yeshua as the ‘Son of God’ and highest ‘Light Prophet,’ fully divine who appeared docetically palpably human (while being completely divine). ‘Adoptionism,’ a central tenet held by almost all ancient ‘Gnostic Christians’ and their sects, whatever their size (but not, for example, by the Thomasines), was a commonly held ideological belief of Gnosticism and so was later further used to ‘rule out’ Gnosticism by the orthodox and ‘canonical’ as heresy. Adoptionism was formally ejected by the Council of Chalcedon (in 451 CE.)
Manachaeism was a worldwide Christian and Gnostic religion that was eventually attacked and destroyed by Orthodox and Canonical Christianity, especially Islam. I think it is time to look at Manichaeism again as it sees other expressions of spiritual practice or practices as possibly valid expressions of other ‘Light Prophets’ and of God, too. See:
Vliet, Roland van. (Author), Holmsen, Carol (Translator). Manichaeism as the Wellspring of a Future Christianity. Netherlands (November 15, 2019) Accessed 11 7 2023.
The Sethians wrote and read The Secret Revelation of John (often called the Secret Book of John or the Apocryphon of John‘). In this book, the Secret Revelation of John (SRevJohn) ‘Sethian theology’ is eminently understandable and comprehensible, as found in that text. Here, the ‘Gnostic’ importance of Mosahiah Yeshua or Jesus Christ is revealed. This significant ‘Sethian’ book (read and believed by the ‘Seed of Seth’ or the Sethian Gnostic community) and used by many other Gnostics is one of the most important doctrinal texts for all of “Gnostic-Christian” theology. The Tripartite Tractate (TriTrac) was a similar theological book for the Valentinians.
After reading my transliteration and translation of the SRevJohn, you may more easily be able to read and understand other Sethian, Valentinian, and other Gnostic books and works, such as the general theological treatises such as “On the Origin of the World” (OrigWorld) and other books (of the Nag Hammadi Library).
Brantingham, James. © (2021) Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God. The Four Lost Apocryphal Christian Gospels: The Gospel of Truth. The Gospel of Philip. The Gospel of Thomas & The Gospel of Mary with the Secret Revelation of John.
Although Reincarnation is considered heresy by the ‘Mainstream Christian’ Churches today (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant), this may not have been so within the very earliest part of Christianity two thousand years ago. However, what is of interest today is that scientific research into ‘reincarnation’ has been carried out for about 50 years, and some of it is compelling. As a researcher myself, I am struck that the reincarnation research being carried out does not appear to be what other religions want it to be, nor what non-Gnostic Christianity condemns.
See: (accessed 11 7 2023)
Matlock, James G. (2019) Bibliography of Reincarnation Resources Online.
And See: Signs of Reincarnation by James Matlock
Also, see the work of Ian Stevenson, MD (Stevenson, I. (2006). And: Half a career with the paranormal. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 20, 13–21; Stevenson, Ian., et al. 1998; 1989; 1990; 1993; 2000; 2000; 2003; 2005; and 2006) in the references in ‘Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God.’
This Universe and Multiverses and Complexity of the Universe (from ‘Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God’)
Isaiah 45:17 says: “World without end!”
No statistically significant hypothesized evidence supports more than one Universe at this time. Penrose’s “conformal cyclic cosmology” (CCC) is a hypothesis. Still, it appears that generally, most cosmologists currently reject his model of a constant-density, eternal (cyclic) universe as having no verified or replicated research or evidence to support it (Bodnia, E., Kellan, I., Colburn, V., Swearngin, J., Bouwmeester D. Jan 2023). It, CCC, appears to posit that, after all of the matter is (in the expanding space) “eaten” by black holes, and when the last black holes fade, ‘this’ leaves “photons and possibly some “bosons” by Hawking radiation. When the Hawking radiation stops,” it seems the expansion of the Universe also finally stops and ultimately undergoes ‘heat death’ (or an ‘evening’ distribution of energy and expansion also stops) making up the final “space” of the Universe. Penrose thinks some Hawking radiation as photons and (a small amount of) bosons may continue to exist and even cross from this last Universe into the next cyclic ‘big bang’ becoming part of the next Big Bang “creation of a new” Universe. Photons and a boson are tiny particles – but their ‘radiation’ comprises quantum fields (electromagnetic) and other waves.
So, paradoxically, the CCC posits that (the massive space of the Universe) in a non-expanding or energyless Universe is or has become ‘a meaningless expansion’ (and Big becomes the same as Small)! Indeed, Penrose suggests that quantum fields of photons ‘must have existed’ before our Cyclical Big Bang occurred. Thus, something existed first (because in actual physics – not just quantum mechanical physics) – you can’t get something from nothing. Without a ‘quantum field,’ you cannot create a real (or a virtual) photon or boson. Otherwise, it is merely the ‘nonsensical restatement’ (that many scientists unthinkingly claim): that you ‘can‘ get ‘something from nothing’ (ignoring or ‘hiding’) that they speak of nothing but actually mean a pre-existing quantum field (which as a ‘field or particles’ must be in ‘this space’ to allow for the creation of virtual or real particles. All this does (again) is put off (‘kick the can down the road’) as to ‘what created the first Universe.’ For eternal regression of our Universe (or other universes with different fine-tuning of physical and cosmological constants) does not lead to (or explain from what) came the creation of the first particles, waves, or fields that made up the actual first (or possibly only our) Universe.
Thus, there is (still) no meaningful evidence supporting the “conformal cyclic cosmology” hypothesis. Paradoxes are proffered galore. But the model of a constant-density, cyclic eternal universe is still rejected by most cosmologists.
Data completed and published in peer-reviewed journals have failed to “prove” a quantum field existed before the Big Bang. What can be confirmed is that after the Big Bang, ‘our‘ Physics created Relativity or ‘big’ physics, and ‘minor’ or Quantum Mechanical physics (of the unthinkably small) made an enormous number of (small, particle, or wave) quantum fields. We cannot know what existed at or before < 10−43 seconds or during the “Plank Epoch.” There is no evidence (but plenty of ideas) about what existed before this time.
Despite this, a photon is an example of a quantum, discrete packet of energy. This is a “quantum wave” (a massless particle and field). Again, where did these first photons (or quantum waves or ‘particles’) come from? They (photons) are Something rather than Nothing! CCC is (thus) a new model or variety of a “Steady State” Universe. It (the CCC iteration of our Universe) ‘is claimed to have been what has always existed.’ However, it (the CCC) simply recycles from a lot to a little (but ‘this tiny bit’ will still contain within it: ‘electromagnetic or another quantum fields’ with other particles, so ‘something, not nothing will ‘be there’ allowing for another big bang. And ‘this’ allows for ‘the next CCC big bang.’ Yet other scientists admit the possibility that even ‘photons’ (and all other particles or waves) will be destroyed… Can another CCC – or ‘truly nothing‘ cause another Big Bang?
“…in about 100 trillion years, the very last star will burn out in our Universe that become dark and cold — very, very cold. But black holes will still be around. In about 1×10100 years the very largest known supermassive black hole should evaporate. It is still theoretical but it appears that even atoms and their subatomic particles may be ripped or ‘fall’ apart and “die” and eventually, the universe will slowly approach absolute zero and the absence of all classical and quantum fields… …then we’re back to (space & time?) and nothing. We already know [or have been informed] that ‘this nothing’ explodes. Despite this some physicists insist it occurs because a ‘stray photon’ or in otherwords a ‘stray quantum field of photons’ – will still exist… So leaving it open for a so-called “virtual particle” to ‘apparently aggragate and fluctuate’ and cause another Big Bang again! What is this so-called ‘virtual particle’ that explodes (the photon)?’ Is ‘true’ space without quantum fields: the cause of a type of unstable energy? Can space or the hypothesized mathematical dimension without a quantum field or particles, “field space” even exist? The key assumption of the CCC model is that just before the Big Bang, ‘space’ is filled with an unstable form of energy, whose nature is not yet known (is it a photon or some boson – where did they come from)? What is the unstable energy (in a space with no non-quantum field)?
So true ‘nothing’ (‘actual space,’ without ‘quantum fields or particles’) will (as far as is known) be actually ‘nothing.’ However, there is what seems like an ‘infinite-like‘ space. Does space that no longer expands or – that somehow allows for the possible aggregation of photons or some other particle cause the explosion of a Big Bang?’
This non-sequitur ‘or space filled with nothing’ becomes now (a non-meaningful or abstract) space no longer defined as Big, such that ‘Big’ becomes no different than ‘Small.’ Then, by some action of a natural or virtual ‘photonic particle and by way of an apparent ‘left-over’ quantum field,’ a new universe begins again! So the ‘small number of ‘photons’ left in this ‘previously’ vast, fully expanded space ‘combine’ paradoxically in what is redefined as now a ‘Small Universe?’ This is suggested, and it becomes unstable and ‘explodes’ (causing the pre-universal plasma of waves, particles, and physical and physiological constants that create the 5% of matter we can see (and at this time, the 95% of ‘dark matter’ we cannot! This is a lot to swallow!
Today, Quantum fields (as far as is known) did not exist before the Big Bang created them (through) the ‘creation’ of physics! So it the CCC is simply a “wish-fulfillment” (not even a falsifiable hypothesis) by some scientists that another “Universe” existed before this Universe existed! Or something rather than nothing – existed, created by some form of previous ‘Big Bang.’ Many hypothesize that a Quantum field, Quantum fluctuation, and Quantum inflation caused the Big Bang and our Universe! But this had to come from something! For a virtual quantum particle or quantum field to ‘flash into existence,’ it does so only in a quantum field or something rather than nothing! This dogged fact drives some people insane.
So, what created the first quantum field or particles? For, when it comes to “creating a Universe,” the Schwinger effect states that in the presence of a strong enough ‘electric field,’ (of charged) particles and their antiparticle (quantum) counterparts (in a quantum field) will be ripped from the quantum vacuum.’ But (no one seems to understand how absurd this statement is) that in a non-quantum space (if it exists at all), there is no quantum space but a non-quantum space with no ‘quantum mechanics, fields or particles’ (so what is there to be ‘ripped’ away!)
The retort to this is there was previously a quantum universe (of which no evidence yet exists) that finally expanded until only a few particles or photons or possibly something like bosons continued to live. All the above happens (as explained above), and another Universe (like ours) is created from nearly nothing! But where did the first quantumless field (or true nothing) suddenly get quantum fields and a lot (of) something? No answer is given for this… But! No matter because this leads to the probability of an infinite regression of fully expanded Universes; for ours to create life it took only a mere 1×10101^123 number of Universes to get a ‘Goldilocks ‘just right’ Universe making life and human beings!’ This is a scientific absurdity that many pretend does not exist.
Wanting this explanation to be accurate and a multiverse (by parallel, or by bubbles in a metaverse or by “cyclic conformal cosmology”) to create ‘an anthropically fine-tuned universe’ [to get a life-creating and sustaining Universe] needed to make one like ours does not make it scientific, objective or factual! Getting trillions and trillions and trillions of universes by CCC or ‘conformal cyclic cosmology’ would take an inhumanly unconceivable period of ‘time.’ This is why I must reject an “eternal hell” by a loving God (although the bible usually defines the term ‘long time’ as ‘eternal;’ today, we can better conceive of what “eternal means”). “Instead, what was expressed in most cases in the OT and NT is a finite time meant in most biblical passages to be a very long time or even longer than that, but finite, not infinite! Hebrew and Greek use terms for ‘eternal’, usually translated as “Into the Age,” ” Unto the Age,” or ” Ages and Ages” as standing for ‘eternity’ but which are, in truth, finite periods. Some may be understandable as ‘very long periods,’ but does it make any sense to consider that ‘our eternity’ is a period that is just getting started after 1×10101^123 years as one example (of a loving) God punishing a puny human being (like you or me) and for what?
Postulating a Supreme Being or Entity (or Supreme Consciousness) causing this Universe fits Occam’s razor (at least as well as if not) better than asserting it is the ‘Goldilocks Universe’ produced by chance after countless Big Bangs or Expansion and “trillions and trillions and trillions of Universes” that physicist Roger Penrose (creator of the CCC cosmogony) suggests is required to get “just one” universe like ours. Or, to get the one universe with all the fine-tuned fundamental physical and cosmological constants (or ‘laws of nature‘) with all the unknown but required interacting synchronous variables that must occur and at a statistical level of 6 Sigma level – at the right time and in the right place. This would be like meteors hitting a planet [not too many and not too few] but precisely the correct number 0.00034% of the time! Only this “just right” ‘Goldilocks Universe’ would create a life-giving world with sentient beings living and thinking like us. According to Penrose, we need only a mere 1×10101^123 Universes! Or Trillions and Trillions and Trillions x Trillions of Universes!
Kudos to William of Ockham (circa 1287–1347), an English friar and theologian from whom we draw “Occam’s Razor” (Meyer, Stephen C. 2009; 2014; 2017)!
(A taste) From the Secret Revelation of John in Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God
One day John, the brother of James, a son of Zebedee, was going to the Temple.
A Pharisee and learned Rabbi named Arimanios challenged him, saying, “Where is your teacher now, that Rabbi, that – minim that you followed?”
John replied, ‘He has gone back to His Father, to the Most High in Heaven above. Back up from where, he came down.’
The Pharisee then said, ‘That Nazarene misled you, He lied to you and closed your hearts to your own people.’ Arimanios went on, ‘He has turned you away from Abraham, Moses and the traditions of your Fathers; even from right understanding of Torah.’
“When I heard this, I turned away in uncertainty and, worried. I fled from the temple and went high up a trail until, I found a solitary place on a mountain.
There I grieved. Unhappy and confused I thought, ‘why did the Lord choose Jesus? And why did ‘God Above God’ allow His Anointed Savior to be tortured; even to die? ‘And, even more so, why would ’God Above God’ send his only Son to be so shamefully killed? What type of a Father would do this and allow this to happen to his only begotten son’?
Hereafter singular notations of ‘God’ with a capital ‘G’ and in Italics are meant to express this title: ‘God Above God’. God in late antiquity was, the Monad or the, Unknown God Most High. ‘God’ (in italics) means the God Above God or (the) God above, every human conception of any ‘God’ (or ‘gods’.)
John thought, ‘after all, where is this Heavenly Aeon, this Pleroma, this place of Fullness, where dwelleth the Most High God in the Highest Heaven in the Fullness above? And when will He, the Father (and His Son) bring it down to us, the Kingdom of God in power; fully here, and fully below? For only through Heaven comes the enduring and trustworthy world; our true Home and, the Home of the Father, of Holy Wisdom and of the Savior. For, He, the Savior said it… ‘this world here John, is modeled on the Imperishable, Incorruptible World of the Father Above.’ The Aeon that is Above all Aeons. For Christ said it, pray this way… ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…
“I meditated on these things (in the Spirit) and suddenly,
The heavens opened.
The whole of creation shone with a bright light from above. Then the world began to shake and I fell on my face. In fear I looked up and,
Out of the light a child appeared before me. I continued looking into the light and, the child transformed into an old man, then, changed again into a young man, like a servant.
Yet what was I was seeing? I could not understand it. Was I dead? I shook with fear. Then, the likeness began to merge and coalesce but still changed. Changing over and over, through and into the three-forms. Each appeared, one after the other, as in a vision.
Then He spoke,
‘John… John…’ why do you wonder? Why are you so afraid? For it is I, your Lord.
Do you not recognize my form? You have seen me before, have you not, look!
Do not be faint-hearted and be not afraid. As I told you before. I am with you,
I am the Father, the Mother, and the Son.
Undefiled, uncontaminated, and pure; I am the enduring One unto[…]”
Raise up your head. Lift up your face and eyes and look upon Me. Understand. Then with understanding share what you have learned. Share it with others in, or those who are, followers of, ‘the Way.’
Jesus teaches on the One
The One
God is One (but many)
Creator of the cosmos born from Light;
Profoundly complex yet absolutely simple
Perfect yet without us, incomplete
Uncreated yet By Its Own Nature, Self-Generated
And first Begetter and Womb of the All
The Primal Ineffable Father and Mother;
though not just a ‘Father’ nor just a ‘Mother’ (nor just a man nor just a woman)
Greater than the greatest and Less than the least
He is the Imageless Image.
The Monad emanates Diversity in Unity
Nothing has authority over it, nor does anything rule it
For nothing is superior to it
The One exists, but not as we exist; nor not exist as we do not exist.
We see Him and see His Works; He, the Great Invisible Spirit.
The One is uncontaminated, and undefiled
Pure light; yet, which no human eye can look within…
For it is written… ‘Thou cannot… see my face and live’.
Yet we look for Him and see Him everywhere; in everything, everyday and every way, the Virgin Invisible Spirit.
“Inside and Outside every and all borders; though everything and anything that is, is inside of His borders
He must not be conceived as simply ‘a god’ or simply ‘the god’; nor in any similar, mundane way
For He is ‘God’ (above every human conception of any god or ‘gods’)
He is beyond human understanding and expression
But expresses himself by our words, through revelation and mighty acts of power.
He dwelleth in life, but can dwell with the dead
For He is life and, He is death!
The first Uncaused Cause,
The Cause of Something rather than Nothing
Though all that exists, exists through Him, or within Him or below or beside Him; but He is superior to all… through, within, without, below or apart from Him
He is unnamable and unknowable, for nothing existed prior to Him to know Him to name Him; nor to describe Him or define Him
He, the eternal, exists through the Ages upon Ages into the Ages to come. Before the creation of time, space and the Universe He was. Thus ‘the One Who Is’ does not partake of any one Aeon, or Age or Realm, because He existed before, through and after time and, before through and after Space; and before, through and after all matter, movement and repose.
He is ‘not perfect, not blessed, not divine’; because He is superior to all such inadequate concepts; superior to them all.
His Image and Likeness
Yet, ‘the One Who Is’ contemplates His Image and likeness (being of inestimable majesty, being, and spirit); for it is in ‘the Image of God’s Likeness,’ that ‘the One’ created them… male and female God created them!
He is the light and, the One who created light!
He is the blissful One and gives blessedness
The Knowledgeable One who gives knowledge.
The Merciful One, who gives Mercy
The Chief of all Aeons and Pleromas, Heavenly Beings and Dimensions in every and all the Realms of Fullness
And the Begetter of all Aeons, of Everything; and the All in All
For, the Sage said it… with a single word He said, ‘be’ and it was!
And the Sage said it… with a single word He said, ‘light,’ and there was ‘light!”
But not just any light; it is the quintessentially necessary, infinitely creative, illuminating luminescence; being from His Purity and Holiness the Uncaused Cause; becoming the very cause of the All and All and all that is, and the creator (in Truth) of everything: that being, the entire cosmos! For He God: (the Father, Holy Mother and, the Logos) by the Spirit are the very ground of being in which we, this cosmos and this world lives and moves and has its being. For, They existed before all things, and it is Through Them that, all things were made, and without Them, nothing was made that has been made.
Behold, First Thoughts
“Yet even before the foundation, His Protennoia (or earliest thoughts) and Pronoia (His Providence) had become real. One of the first thoughts appeared before Him, Perfect in Purity and Power. Look! She, Barbēlō is His luminescence and manifests as the Holy Spirit and ‘Mother,’. For He, the Holy Father; with Her (together) are Perfect in Power. Thus arising in and from His ‘nous’ (His mind and heart) and, in His likeness, image and power is the Mother who ‘is one’ with the Father in will. She, with the Logos and as Wisdom completes the Word. Therefore they are the Providence of the plan of salvation for those who will have need of it.”
Wisdom and the first Man
“Wisdom,’ (or Sofia from Barbēlō) helped bring about God’s plan for Creation, Salvation and the Chosen people of Israel. Because, see: Wisdom is spoken of by the prophets from Moses …who says of Her in Genesis (out of the Oral Torah) ‘Wisdom is the Holy Spirit…’ and this Spirit hovered over the formless, chaotic void… over the murmuring deep. And even more so, said the prophet who walked with God and was no more, ‘Wisdom took her seat… next to God …superior to the angels… and even the Chosen (while in the garden of Eden.) Elohim (the Good) noted She, Wisdom breathed (His) pneuma, life and consciousness into mortal Adam. (Baruch in Justin Barnstone, William., Meyer, Marvin. 2011).”
Consider this, David and Solomon prophesied extensively about ‘Wisdom’ (or ‘Sofia’) in Proverbs and, in the Wisdom of Solomon and in Baruch (in the ‘Greek’ Septuagint LXX). And, repeatedly by Sirah in the LXX. …And by Paul in Corinthians and in the full covenantal word which also saith, ‘Christ ‘the Logos’ is (the…) Wisdom of God’ . And in John… who wrote, ‘He, Christ (‘the Wisdom of God’) which with the being of the Logos is, ‘the One’. This God is God Most High; the One Good, God of Love and Truth! Therefore, as the ‘Spirit’ of God ‘She, Barbēlō, is the Spirit (and the feminine Wisdom, Holy Spirit or Shekinah) of the Most High Above (Karen King. 2003; Barnstone, William., Meyer, Marvin. 2011; Schaberg, Jane. 2002.)
Barbēlō is:
Wisdom, (but as Sofia the Greater and Lesser) the universal creator For He, God saith… ’Wisdom …(was) with Me before all time …before My works of old; …before I prepareth thy heavens, Lo, She sayeth to the Father ‘I was there; before Thou established the clouds above; and the fountains of the deep; I was there. And by Me kings, princes (and) nobles reign, and intercessors decreeth righteousness…’ For, Thou writeth in Sira (She is) ‘…the Holy Spirit’. And the Father poureth Me out over and upon… those that love Him. Behold, ‘intelligence, Wisdom,’ cometh before everything! For, ‘Barbēlō,’ as ‘Wisdom,’ is the twin; the created (and creator) who, as our ‘faithful Sofia the Lesser,’ is yoked with the Wisdom of Jesus Christ!
And She is the inscrutable Womb and Begettress of everything in, the All and All!
Barbēlō is:
The Holy Mother and Holy Father;
Barbēlō is:
The First Man (Adamas): ‘a trace’ of the likeness of the Invisible Spirit or ‘the Father,’ as seen in the watery image reflected in the firmament. And so (portending) an image of the Last Adam, the Anointed (She too is… verily the ‘image of the unknown God’).
Barbēlō (Higher Sophia) is:
Holy Spirit
Thrice male,
Thrice Powerful,
Thrice named (the Father, Mother and Son)!
For Barbēlō is the Androgynous Principle and Power; with Power over all the Aeons and Realms of the Age, into the Ages to come. First to arise outside of it all; She… outside of space, time and being is and was; before the beginning.
She, Barbēlō, the Holy Mother (and Spirit) is an ever-enduring ageless (androgynously acting) ‘Ruler’ over Matter, Power, Time and Space. She has Authority over all Pleromas, Aeons, Aeonic or Heavenly beings in the Heavens; and those that pre-existed the creation of the material and fleshly lower cosmos below. But, acting in her capacity as our Sofia the Greater, She is a ‘creator, a fabricating craftsman and molder’ of the earthly cosmos and aeon, and its’ matter, and flesh (beneath) and its firmament above; and in the Abyss beneath. For, as Holy Mother, Barbēlō was the first to arise (and emanating with the Logos, She separated from and stood apart from, God).
Barbēlō, the Holy Spirit praised the Father and asked She be granted His divine integrity, and His wisdom through His revelations as she went forth to create. For, She then created ‘That Which Would Be’; the Aeons and Heavens even the Aeonic Abyss, but for and by The Father’s Will alone. And She praised the Father, the Great Invisible Spirit, for He granted it to Her, Barbēlō to execute! Thus her wish was fulfilled even before the generation of the earthly aeon below.
A Taste of the Secret Revelation of John in Holy Wisdom and The Logos of God
by James Brantingham. Buy it today at!
Brantingham, James. © (2021) Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God. The Four Lost Apocryphal Christian Gospels: The Gospel of Truth. The Gospel of Philip. The Gospel of Thomas & The Gospel of Mary With the Secret Revelation of John.
Suggestions about what James Brantingham’s © (2021) Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God may do for you:
The Gospel of Truth and Gospel of Philip (in Holy Wisdom and Logos of God) may lead to a better understanding of Valentinian-Christian Theology (for example) in the Tripartite Tractate (TriTrac) and other Valentinian texts in the Nag Hammadi Library (and associated works) or the ‘NHL.’ The coming down to earth of Moschiah Jesus was (for both the Valentinians and Sethian Gnostic-Christians) the most decisive event in the history of the world. The NHL contains many “books and treatises,” mainly because the Sethians were prolific writers (Davies, Stevan. 2019; Thomassen, Einar. 2007; AP Smith. 2015).
John D. Turner (2001) is considered maybe the most outstanding scholar to have written about the ‘Sethians,’ and he described “Sethianism” in a variety of ways but especially as a form of “heterodox Christian speculation.” And, a distinctly inner-Jewish, albeit syncretistic and heterodox, phenomenon and the ideas (of probably) ex-Jewish Priests, Pharisees, and Scribes that (for probably over a century) ‘fused with Christianity.’ ‘Christian Gnostic-Sethianism,’ as Pétrement held (1984) and Turner (2001) appeared to concur with, was never a “separate religious” movement apart from ‘Christianity.’ Instead, it was a set of mythological themes novelly illuminated and laid out to give an understanding of how to practice ‘the Way’ and Christianity in the most spiritual way…
In both Gnostic-Christian sects, “Jesus is indeed the ‘Savior’ and ‘Soter,’ but as Bernard Simon (2004) wrote, Jesus brought salvation and deliverance”. “Jesus cured us, delivering us from ignorance. Jesus removed our ignorance about life’s best and godly values. He revolutionized our awareness about matter, materialism, and flesh (especially lust, sex, and power), giving the chosen (after the loss of the Temple) much-needed self-esteem. He brought through both branches ‘Soteriological Knowledge’ of the ‘Pneuma or Spirit’ (inspiring into these Gnostics, Spirit, [or “the Breath of God]).” By this the ‘Pneuma’ could join their souls and mind into a spiritual resurrection before death (Turner, John. D. 2001; Pétrement, Simone. 1984; Simon, Bernard. 2004.)
Ultimately, the Sethian Gnostics tried to offer descriptions explaining the inner theology and the best way to practice and worship as “Christians.” According to Turner, Christianity, Judaism, and Middle Platonism were the roots of Sethian-Gnosticism, and all three influenced each other (Turner, John D. 2001).
“Like the Valentinians (but for a shorter time), ‘Sethians’ called themselves “Christians.” Their writing, texts, and books were “Christian (or more accurately Judeo-Christian and Gnostic).” There is no one named “leader” (of Sethianism – for ‘Seth’ was the third Son of Adam and Eve). Turner suggests two different ‘Sethian-like’ groups fused with Christianity. One group was the ‘baptizing Barbeloites,’ for whom ‘‘Barbēlō (derived from Alastair Logan suggests – the Hebrew ‘barah ba ‘lo,’ for the ‘daughter of the lord,’ and ‘this’ was the Father’s first thought (before the creation of the Universe and time). She is identified with the Holy Spirit and Sophia, as Lady Wisdom ([Greek: Sofia = wisdom] as seen in the OT in Proverbs 8). They viewed (the feminine) Barbēlō as the first emanation (or thought) of the Highest (and Good One) ‘God.’ Later, Barbēlō (the Pneumatic, or Highest Sophia – came down to the lowest aeon (of the ‘Heavenly aeons’) where the “true fall occurred.” This true fall is associated with Sophia’s ‘fall to the lowest aeon’ and her creation (by herself) of the demiurge or Chief Archon and ‘lesser god’ over the earth ‘Samael’ (or Yaltabaoth). Sophia is named the “Holy Spirit” and “frequently appears in ‘Gnostic books’ (in Her feminine guise) as the “Holy Mother” or just “Mother.” (Logan, Alastair, HB. 1996.)
Barbēlō is not confused with Jesus’ earthly (Holy) Mother or the Theotokos (Mother of God). However, the same terminology was used, but it is evident in probably all of the Gnostic literature. Mary became the ‘Holy Mother’ because, in the proto-canonical gospels of Matthew and Luke, she bore Yeshua in the virgin birth story. It was being ‘the Son of God’ (that made Mary ‘Holy’). Later, Catholics came to call her the “Mother of God” (or “God-bearer”), the Theotokos. Theotokos was a topic of theological dispute in the 4th and 5th centuries (“the one who gives birth to God”) and was countered by those who thought Jesus had two distinct natures. It was the Patriarch of Constantinople Nestorius who insisted that Jesus had both a divine and human nature which were “distinct,” so that Mary could be the (bearer of Christ) or the “Christotokas” but not ‘God.’
This was the great argument that would divide the Churches over the Incarnation. Exiled, Nestorius’s followers began the “Nestorian Church,” but it reconciled with the Catholic and Orthodox Church in 544. Discussed briefly to clarify the term “Holy Mother,” it is worth remembering that modern Gnostics (as Ecclesia Gnostica does) use both definitions. But ‘Ecclesia Gnostica’ always clarifies such use of the term. Mary is esteemed by Gnostics, too (Hoeller, Stephan A. 2002.). Although some churches in the East still use “Mother of Christ” (Jenkins, Philip. 2008; 2015.)”
Valentinian Christianity
Valentinianism is a profoundly Christ-centric form of Gnostic-Christian mysticism. The entire mythology can be seen through its Christology. In Valentinian thought, the decisive event in the history of the world was the ministry of Jesus (TriTrac 2019.) Before He came, the Gnostics stated, the true God was unknown ( Against Heresies 1:19:3-1:20:3). This is because “no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Matthew 11:27 cf. Against Heresies 1:20:3). This is the point of the Sophia myth. Throughout the ages, human beings sought to find God, but in the absence of Christ, they succeeded only in producing a defective image of the divine, i.e., the Craftsman (or demiurge). In their error, they worshipped an imperfect idea of God as a lawgiver and Craftsman of the material world instead of the true One, the Most High God (and God the Father). See Jesus Christ in Valentinianism by David Brons. (Brons, David. 2019; Grobel, Kendrick. 1960; Schoedel, William. 1980 Brantingham 2019.)”
But in Valentinian Christianity, “God is One.” And though there is a “Demiurge” like “Samael or Yaldabaoth – (or Saklas and Nebruel”) is mentioned but not called “the Demiurge” (Smith, AP. 2015). Entities (or personas) like “Error” and acts of individuals can be wrong and evil, according to the Gnostic demiurge (Yaldabaoth). The demiurge is not always evil because he has a spark of the One True God within received from Sophia, his mother, or “Wisdom.” But Sophia is not found in many ‘Gnostic texts’ like the Gospel of Thomas or the Gospel of Mary (though the Greek word for “Wisdom,” ‘Sofia,’ is used occasionally). If the work of Geoffrey S. Smith (2020) is correct (and I accept that it is), then behind Valentinus lay the most complex Gnostic theology. But Valentinus firmly held it back from the Gospels of Truth and Philip and indeed removed almost all “anti-Judaism” from the body of work associated with “Valentinian Christianity” (Smith, Geoffrey S. 2020). He did such a good job that Irenaeus complained he could not tell who was “Gnostic” and who was not!
Two of the four “Gnostic Gospels” in this text are considered by most derived from Valentinus: “The Gospel of Truth” and the “Gospel of Philip.” No one knows the Source for the Gospel of Mary from the Coptic and some Fragments of Greek, though Karen King (2003) believes the GMary was canonical; nor do we know surely the source for the Gospel of Thomas (though there were Thomasines Gnostics in Syria). A common sayings source used by “Thomas, Matthew, and Luke” shows that:
- 37% (37 out of 101 units) of Q parallels the Gospel of Thomas. (Anderson, Stanley D., Derrenbacker, Jr., Robert A., Heil, Christoph., Hieke, Thomas., Hoffmann, Paul., Johnson, Steven R., Kloppenborg, John S., Moreland, Milton C., Robinson, James M. 2000; Kloppenborg, John S., Marvin W. Meyer, Stephen J. Patterson, Michael G. Steinhauser, eds. 1990; Mattison, Mark M. 2013; MacRae, George W., Wilson., Robert. McL. 2000; Tabor, James. 2022.)
These near identical or essentially similar “sayings in Thomas” are (in Matthew, possibly an intact Gospel of the Hebrews and Luke) and could be considered (as a simple variation without any theological difference) canonical sayings. So, there are no doubts about a common source in this sense.
Though “Mary” is said to have first come from Alexandria by de Quillian (2011), it is suggested that “Thomas” came from the “Thomasine Community” that produced other works (like the Acts of Thomas) located in Syria.
Suppose Jehanne de Quillian has given the whole Gospel of Mary in “The Gospel of the Beloved Companion: The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene” (2011). In that case, even a cursory look shows a significant (though sometimes lightly paraphrased or a slight variant, saying in this text that otherwise was only found in 1945 in the NHL in never-before-seen Gnostic texts. If this extraordinarily ancient Gospel is accurate (and complete), then the Gospel of Mary is full of “sayings or scripture” that is Gnostic. Some of this scripture is from (or derived from) the Gospel of Thomas (and I note the Gospel of Philip and other ‘Gnostic’ works too). At first, scripture in “The Gospel of the Beloved Companion” seems like many slightly “canonical variations.” Of course, there is more of the Gospel of Mary in “The Gospel of the Beloved Companion (GBC)” (2011). If written at the time of the Canonical Gospels or earlier, then it is evidence of significant “Gnostic Influence” (and what is even more shocking is) that “Jesus the Anointed” said something similar to these Gnostic “sayings” or “verse like material” at least in the GBC. Which only showed up much later in the Gospel of Philip, Mary, or Thomas – only extant in the last 70 years. Which was rejected until the first publications of the 1945 NHL of Gnostic books. It seems beyond incredible (but ultimately possible).
Matthew, Philip, Thomas, and Mary are instructed to write about “Jesus Christ and the Way” in the Pistis Sophia (Mead, G. R. S. 1921). The Pistis Sophia was found long before the NHL (discovered in 1773) was purchased by the British Museum (now the British Library) in 1785 from a collector named Anthony Askew.
Jesus the Anointed says (in the Pistis Sophia Chap 47), “Concerning the word which thou hast spoken unto Philip: ‘It is thou Mary Magdalene (- italics mine) and Thomas and Matthew on whom it hath been enjoined–to you three by the First Mystery, to write all the discourses of the kingdom of the Light and to it to bear witness’… and earlier in the Pistis Sophia (Chap 44) Jesus the Anointed had made it clear that he also ‘commended Philip… (and would have him) continue writing’ (Mead, G. R. S. 1921).
More on Valentinian Christianity
Here are some examples of “Christian-Gnosticism” or Gnosticism (accepted but adapted the OT and NT) and did not teach Absolute Polytheism”: other gods of ‘the divine council’ are occasionally (and actually) mentioned in the OT, NT, and the Gnostic scriptures and “these gods” are not always about Kings or Rulers but about ‘lesser gods’ (Heiser, Michael S. 2015). So famously is the revelation from the OT, “Psalms 82 1-2; 5-6 says, “God has taken his place in the divine council; amid the gods he holds judgment: “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? I said, “You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men, you shall die and fall like any prince” (after the NIV).
“As Gnosticism entered into Judaism and ‘the Way,’ or Christianity, both had only One Supreme God. The Gnostics knew this, too, and knew it well. So in their naming the OT “God” a different “God,” these people were saying (in effect) this is not the (true) God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the God of Israel.) Understood correctly, they were saying “that the OT God or ‘lesser god often described in the OT’ was or were the actions of a “pagan or gentile ‘god’ – a devil or a lesser divinity.” He is not the Loving One God Most High (especially in the NT and even more so elevated by the Gnostics) but also recognizable in some scriptures of the OT (as all of Christianity- even Gnostic-Christianity held). If someone doubts the esteem that the Gnostics – at least a significant body of them – held scripture from the OT (Mead, G. R. S. 1921), read “Pistis Sophia!”
“Valentinus was an early “leader” in” Gnostic-Christianity.” But I believe he did not think of himself as more spiritual because he was a “Gnostic,” or did Gnostic exegesis. Did he believe he was a better “teacher? yes.” Did he think he was an important and even a superior exegete and philosopher of Christianity? Yes.” (Smith, Geoffrey S. 2019) Already popular, liked, and sufficiently trusted, Valentinus ran for the highest Roman office (or “Pope”). “He expected to become Bishop, for he was an able man both in genius and eloquence,” said Tertullian, and other historians agree. (Schaff, Philip., Ed. 2016; Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Valentinus Gnostic Philosopher 2021).”
“I do not accept that Gnosticism was overlaid upon Judaism and created “Christianity.” And I also do not believe “Gnosticism” would have been the force it was and is today without having been shaped from Christian roots” (Brantingham, James 2017; Pétrement, Simone. 1984; Simon, Bernard. 2004.) “Gnostic pre-Christian Jewish, Platonic, Egyptian or other religious or spiritual sources that influenced Christianity or Gnosticism and the development of “Gnostic-Christians and Gnostic-Christianity” are not denied (Brantingham, James 2020; King, Karen L 2003; 2006; DeConick, April D. 2017.)”
“I can state one final example of the effect of Valentinus on forcing a cohesive and understandable Christian doctrine. Hermeneutics after Valentinus had to prove the continuity of the Old and New Testaments! And further, Valentinian teaching documents (possibly the earliest) primitive trinitarian doctrine. In today’s trinitarian language, “the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” is preceded by or used at the same as, ‘the Father, Mother, and Son. “Holy Mother,’ meant the Holy Spirit. But it also meant Sophia or Wisdom. And Wisdom had been called the ‘Holy Spirit by various Canonical bodies. The Son (often in Gnosticism called the ‘Logos’) had an incalculable impact on Christianity’s development (Moore, Edward. 2021).
Brantingham, James. © (2021) Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God. The Four Lost Apocryphal Christian Gospels: The Gospel of Truth. The Gospel of Philip. The Gospel of Thomas & The Gospel of Mary With the Secret Revelation of John. Pub. Ind. Apple Books. AmazonKindle. ISBN: 9798528366678 ASIN: B083H5X6T9.
Excerpt From “Holy Wisdom and The Logos of God: “A New Book.” Apple Books.
For this except (and CCC cosmology):
Bean, James. (2023) Reincarnation in Gnosticism, Let the Gnostics Be Gnostic. (SantMat Aug 19, 2020) Accessed 11 14 2023.
Bodnia, Eve., Kellan, Isenbaev., Colburn, Vlad., Swearngin, Joe., Bouwmeester Dirk. (Jan 2023). Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) arXiv:2208.06021 [astro-ph.CO] (or arXiv:2208.06021v2 [astro-ph.CO] for this version)
Manichaeism. (2023, November 14). In Wikipedia.
But for full references (buy and then see them in): Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God (at
19 Yeshua says: Blest is he who was before he came into Being… (Brown, Thomas P. Accessed 2014; probably published in 1995(
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